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Manipulator dynamics is concerned with the equation of motion, the way in which the manipulator moves in response to torques applied by the actuators, or external forces. There are two problems related to manipulator dynamics that are important to solve:

The equation of motion for an n-axes manipulator are given by



q is the vector of generalized joint coordinates describing the pose of the manipulator
tex2html_wrap_inline4903 is the vector of joint velocities
tex2html_wrap_inline4905 is the vector of joint accelerations
M is the symmetric joint-space inertia matrix, or manipulator inertia tensor
C describes Coriolis and centripetal effects
F describes viscous and Coulomb friction and is not generally considered part of rigid- body dynamics
G is the gravity loading
Q is the vector of generalized forces associated with generalized coordinates q

The equation may be derived via a number of techniques, including the Lagrangian method. Due to the enormous computational cost of this approach it is always difficult to compute manipulator torques for real-time control based on the dynamic equations. To achieve real-time performance many approaches were suggested, including table lookup and approximation [4]. The most common approximation is to ignore the velocity-dependent term C, since accurate positioning and high speed motion are exclusive in typical robot application. Practically, a PID controller might be a good option to achieve a real-time performance,


Figure 3: PID control loop  

where tex2html_wrap_inline4921 , tex2html_wrap_inline4923 and tex2html_wrap_inline4925 are the derivative, proportional and integral parameters respectively. See Figure 3 for a schematic of a PID control loop.
The advantages of using a PID controler are the following:

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Abdelshakour Abuzneid
Fri Apr 18 16:15:07 EDT 1997