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The Prototyping Environment


In this section, we will show several test cases for the prototyping environment. In the first test (Figure 53), the optimal design subsystem sent a data-change message to the CI. The CI in turn sent lock messages to all other subsystems notifying them that no changes will be accepted until they receive a final acknowledgment message. Then, the CI applied the relations and checked the design constraints. In this test case the constraints were satisfied, so the CI sent these changes to the subsystems that needed to be notified. After that, the CI waited for acknowledgments from the subsystems. In this case it received positive acknowledgments from the specified subsystems. Finally, the CI updated the database and sent final acknowledgment messages to all subsystems.

The second test case (Figure 54), was the same as the first case except that one of the subsystems (the CAD/CAM subsystem) has rejected the changes by sending negative acknowledgment message to the CI. Thus, the CI sent a change-back message to the specified subsystems and then sent a final acknowledgment messages to all subsystems. No changes in the database took place in this case.

In the last test case (Figure 55), the design constraints were not satisfied. Therefore, the CI sent a report about the nonsatisfied constraints to the sender (the optimal design subsystem). Then it sent final acknowledgment messages to all subsystems. Again, in this case, no changes in the database took place.

Figure 53: CI test case one, success case for data change.  

Figure 54: CI test case two, negative acknowledgment case.  

Figure 55: CI test case three, nonsatisfied constraints case.  

Matanya Elchanani
Wed Dec 18 17:00:21 EST 1996