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Velocity and Inverse Velocity Kinematics

In order to move the manipulator at constant velocity, or at any prescribed velocity, we must know the relationship between the velocity of the tool and the joint velocities. To calculate the velocity, the Jacobian matrix should be constructed as follows




if i is a revolute and


if i is a prismatic,
where tex2html_wrap_inline4855 is the first three elements in tex2html_wrap_inline4857 column of tex2html_wrap_inline4859 and tex2html_wrap_inline4651 is the first three elements in the tex2html_wrap_inline4863 column of tex2html_wrap_inline4859 . Then forward velocity will be


The inverse velocity problem becomes one of solving the system of linear equations. The Inverse Velocity Kinematics will then be


Abdelshakour Abuzneid
Fri Apr 18 16:15:07 EDT 1997