Emad Ramadan's Home Page


Adjunct faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Postdoc. Pathology Informatics, Yale University

Ph.D.  Computer Science, Old Dominion University

M.Sc. Computer Science, Alexandria University

B.Sc.  Computer Science, Alexandria University




Department of Computer Science
University of Bridgeport
Bridgeport, CT
Email: eramadan[at]bridgeport[dot]edu,



Research Interests

·        Pathology Informatics: Cancer Networks Modeling and Analysis, Epigenatics.

·        Computational Biology: Biological Networks Modeling and Structural Analysis.

·        Combinatorics: Graphs, Algorithmics, Scientific Computing.

Recent Publications

·        Emad Ramadan, Emmett Sprecher, David Tuck, and Lyndsay Harris. Gene expression network analysis reveals functional modules in cancer pathways, (In preparation).

·        Emad Ramadan and David Tuck. Hypergraphs and it application on gene regulation network analysis, (In preparation).

·        Emad Ramadan, Chris Osgood, and Alex Pothen. Aclustering algorithm for discovering functional modules in proteomic networks, (In preparation).

·        Emad Ramadan, Michael Ward, Sarah Durkin, Adam Sawyer, Christopher Osgood, Alex Pothen, and John Semmes. Development of the HTLV-1 Tax Interactome by Combined Physical and In Silico Approaches, Retrovirology 2008.

·        Alex Pothen, John Semmes, Mohammad Zubair, Kurt Maly, Emad Ramadan, Mahmoud Abu-elela, and Praveen Namburi. Aprototype of the Human Virus Interactome Resource (HVIR), Proceedings of the Russian Conference on Digital Libraries, 11 pp., 2006.

·        Emad Ramadan, Chris Osgood, and Alex Pothen. The Architecture of a Proteomic Network in the Yeast. Proceedings of CompLife 2005, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, vol 3695, pp. 265-276, 2005.

·        Emad Ramadan, Chris Osgood, and Alex Pothen. Mathematical Models in Cell Signaling Systems, Vanderbilt University and Meharry Medical College, June 2004.

·        Emad Ramadan, Arijit Tarafdar, and Alex Pothen. A hypergraph model for the yeast protein complex network. IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology HiCOMB 2004, Santa Fe, NM .


·        New York Academy of Sciences

·        ICSB, SIAM, IEEE, ACM, AES.

Courses Taught in Fall 2009

Courses Taught in Spring 2010

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