This text was taken from the Original Book Jacket

Wilhelm Dichter was born in 1935 in Borislaw, where he survived the war. Toward the end of 1944, he came to Poland. He finished his studies at the Warsaw Polytechnic, where he earned his doctorate and worked for 13 years. In 1968, he emigrated with his family to the United States. He is employed as a computer image processing specialist at the Linotype-Hell company. He lives in the Boston area.

Koñ Pana Boga (Sorry I don't have a proper translation - yet (Although ZNAK the Polish Original Publishing house has translated it as "God's Horse"1) is the author's literary debut - an outstanding debut, surprisingly mature and moving. Dichter's prose - with its sensitivity to detail, terseness (devoid not only of emotional commentary or moral preaching, but of a single extraneous syllable) - is in our literature an original and rare occurrence. Its worth, other than purely artistic, is rooted in that it permanently renders through the eyes of a child a world which has been forever lost. It is one of a handful of works which describe both, the time of the Holocaust as well as the first years of the installation of the communist government.

1 A literal, and not very idiomatic translation

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