Program#3 CS 402

University of Bridgeport

This program consists of two small program assignments as well as a complexity analysis. Both are due at the next class meeting: August 7, 1999.
Program 3a

Write a class with a method to compute the longest common sequence, 
as we did in class. Demonstrate the correctness of the method with a 
call on computing LCS for 20-25 pairs of words. Make the solution a 
dynamic (table-driven) solution as shown in class.

Perform a complexity analysis of your implementation. Make it detailed, 
so that every characteristic operation is counted. Demonstrate the correctness of the 
method with a call on checking for substrings for 20-25 pairs of words.

Program 3b Write a class which has a method for finding substrings in strings. Apply a variation of the LCS solution. Your algorithm should, again, be a dynamic solution. Demonstrate the correctness of the method with a call on computing the substring for 20-25 pairs of words. Make the solution a dynamic (table-driven) solution as shown in class. Perform a complexity analysis of your implementation. Make it detailed, so that every characteristic operation is counted.