Theory behind the project:

Basis for the mathematical computations were obtained mostly from a single source, "Robot Dynamics and Control" by Spong, but were widely supported and/or compared with various sources on the Internet as well as several other books written on the subject of robotics. During first several weeks of the project, development of the necessary computational formulas was at a virtual stand-still. Further progress of the project was dictated by the implementation of computational formulas as Java code. A decision was made to start from scratch and question every statement, every formula related to the project no matter how insignificant it might have been. Surprisingly enough, this proved the original formulas to be wrong, therefore, it was necessary to conduct mathematical calculations all over again.

Puma 560 is a not so complex, six degree-of-freedom (DOF) elbow manipulator as it can be seen in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Puma 560 manipulator.

Forward kinematics (FK) was nothing more than a trivial case of constructing a Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) transformation matrix with Puma's parameters obtained from a D-H parameter table (Fig. 2).

a (m)
d (m)

Fig. 2 Puma 560 D-H parameter table.

The final matrix itself can be obtained by successive multiplication of transformation and/or rotation matrices defined by the architecture of the manipulator (Fig.3).

Fig. 3 Six transformation matrices for Puma 560 robot.

When multiplied, from the form of final transformation matrix we take elements (4,1), (4,2), and (4,3) which give us the position of frame 6 in three-space relative to frame 0 (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1 FK position formulas for the position of frame 6 in three-space

Consisting of three links and a spherical wrist, architecturally speaking, it was obvious kinematic decoupling was the way to go for inverse kinematics (IK) computations. The very idea of kinematic decoupling is to separate inverse position kinematics computations from inverse orientation kinematics computations. This can be achieved if we consider the three links of Puma separately from the spherical wrist. Given the architecture of Puma (Fig. 4), it can be seen that the wrist's center of rotation, in other words, origin of the wrist's transformation frame overlaps with the origin of the third link's transformation frame (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4 Puma 560 workspace and link dimensions.

Considering the case of this theoretical Puma 560 model where we have no tool mounted on the wrist, we need not include spherical wrist position computations in final formulas for the IK position calculation.

Fig. 5 Simplified drawing of first three links of Puma 560

with transformation frames appropriately marked.

In case of Puma manipulators, where there is an offset between links one and two (Fig. 6), a possibility of a singular configuration does not exist. This would be a case when and only when the wrist center intersects the axis.

Fig. 6 Elbow manipulator with shoulder offset.

This way, there will be only two solutions for , corresponding to the so called left arm and right arm configurations as shown in Figure 7. For the purpose of this project, we chose a right arm configured Puma 560.

When we look at the robot from the above (Fig. 7), and pretend that links two and three are just as one, it is easily observed that we can obtain the magnitude of via simple trigonometry:

Equation 1

Note: Please do not confuse from those equations and Figures 6 and 7 with from the D-H parameter table. The first one is actually a displacement from links two and three combined to the axis of rotation of link one and can be found in D-H table as , further in this text denoted as .

Fig. 7 Right arm configuration.

Further, to find angles and for the elbow manipulator, given , we consider the plane formed by the second and third links as shown in Figure 8.

Fig. 8 Projection onto the plane formed by links two and three

Since the motion of links two and three is planar, we can obtain the value for with the application of the Law of Cosines:

and therefore is given by:

Equation 2

Similarly is given as:

Equation 3

Make a note that the square roots from the equations of and have two possible solutions which correspond to the left-arm, right-arm and elbow-up position, and elbow-down position, respectively (Fig. 9). This gives us two possible solutions for both and resulting in a total of four possible solutions for . Therefore, we have a total of four possible combinations for IK at a given position of the spherical wrist.

Fig. 9 Right-arm configured Puma 560

The orientation of the spherical wrist can be achieved as an application of rotation angles (Fig. 10) from within the program. No calculations had to be made within the FK computations. As far as inverse orientation goes, in order to obtain the values of wrist rotation angles we can define this as a problem of finding a set of Euler angles corresponding to a rotation matrix from frame three to frame six. This subject of the project is explained in greater detail in "Robot Dynamics And Control" by Spong in chapter 4.4, and in "Introduction To Robotics" by Craig in chapter 4.7.

Fig. 10 Spherical wrist

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