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Integration and Current Developments

The application environment we eventually intend to develop consists of three major working elements: the sensing, design, and manufacturing modules. The ultimate goal is to establish a computational framework that is capable of deriving designs for machine parts or objects, inspect and refine them, while creating a flexible and consistent engineering environment that is extensible. The control flow is from the sensing module to the design module and then to the manufacturing component. Feedback can be re-supplied to the sensing agent to inspect manufactured parts, compare them to the originals and continue the flow in the loop until a certain tolerance is met. The system is intended to be ultimately as autonomous as possible. We intend to study what parts of the system can be implemented in hardware. Some parts seem to be inherently suited to hardware, which will be discussed later, while some other parts of the system may be possible to put in hardware, but experimentation will provide the basis for making that decision. Providing language interfaces between the different components in the inspection and reverse engineering control loop is an integral part of the project.
Tue Sep 20 12:46:05 MDT 1994